If you notice damp stains on your siding near your house’s foundation, stagnant water in your garden near the downspouts, efflorescence and mold on your walkways, and overflowing gutters, you need to check your downspouts.

Here are some recommendations to help you determine if your downspouts are the issue.
Overflowing gutters can sometimes be caused by clogged gutters and downspouts. This case is fairly easy to handle. Just clean your gutters and downspouts.
When the downspouts are too short, rainwater will be directed near your foundation causing damage to the siding and the foundation. Call a professional to fix the issue.
Overflowing rainwater can happen if there are not enough downspouts to handle the water runoff. This case also requires professional gutter installation services.
The absence of accessories like splash blocks and downspout extensions can result in flooding and erosion in your garden. You can have them installed to keep the rainwater away from your property.
To be sure that gutters and downspouts will work as intended, turn to the trusted name in windows installation in Chicago, Illinois Energy Windows and Siding. We offer seamless gutters that are more impact-resistant and can withstand cold weather, whipping winds and heavy rains. We also have oversized gutters and downspouts.
In addition to window and siding services, we also offer entry and patio door installation, and soffit installation.
Illinois Energy Windows & Siding, Inc. offers the most comprehensive warranties that cover both labor and materials for your peace of mind. Ready for your replacement windows or gutter installation project? Call us today at (630) 627-9200 to get started. You can also fill out our contact form, and we will get in touch with you shortly.
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