Conducting regular siding inspections is a necessary task in keeping your home in top condition, particularly, towards or after the end of winter. An inspection will allow you to spot any damage that your siding may have recently incurred so you can have repairs done as soon as possible. Here are a few examples of siding damage you should look out for and address before they get worse.

The easiest types of siding damage to spot are warps and cracks. These can be particularly prevalent in older homes where the siding may need to be entirely replaced. Knowing when exactly your siding was first installed will be a great help.
Mold GrowthEvidence of mold growth on your siding is a definite indication of water damage. You should pay attention to this type of problem as it can lead to your home’s structural deterioration and put your health at risk, too.
Severe Weather DamageEven the best type of siding can take only so much abuse during inclement weather. Hail damage, for instance, can cause dents in your home’s siding and should be dealt with before another storm hits your area.
Loose SidingDamage can sometimes be caused by poor siding installation. Avoid the inconvenience of your siding prematurely coming loose by working only with certified installers.
Increase in Energy BillsAn increase in your energy consumption may also be an indication of possible siding damage. The condition of your siding affects how well your home is insulated. If your HVAC system is working harder than it usually needs to, get your siding checked, and have it fixed.
Illinois Energy Windows & Siding, Inc. is a locally owned company with well-trained staff who can assist you with all your siding needs. Contact us to get a free estimate. Our number is (630) 219-1860. We serve homeowners in a good number of areas, including those in Morton Grove and Bolingbrook.
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