Better Business Bureau (BBB) ratings have been a great help for many homeowners in identifying which contractors they can entrust improving their homes with. If you’re unsure about what the BBB ratings mean, this article is for you. Top rated company, Illinois Energy Windows & Siding, shares some information on how businesses are graded by the BBB and why the BBB list has become such a valuable resource.

Letter Grading
A contractor can get an A+ (highest) to an F (lowest) rating. The BBB uses a proprietary formula in coming up with the final rating for each company listed with them. The grades are representative of a 100-point scoring system, with the lowest grade awarded to any business earning points in the range of 0-59.99.
Rating Factors
There are currently 17 factors that can affect what grade an installer, like Illinois Energy Windows & Siding, may get with the BBB. A few simply require provision of basic business information. The heavier-weighted ones are those related to a contractor’s reputation among its clients, the number of complaints lodged against the business, and how those complaints are resolved, among others.
Trust Standards
Listed contractors are also required to adhere to the BBB’s 8 Standards for Trust. This set of guidelines is the basis for the BBB Accreditation Standards which, “summarize important elements of creating and maintaining trust in business.” The standards include honest advertising, transparency, and responsiveness, among others.
Successfully improve your home with a provider like Illinois Energy Windows & Siding. We offer energy-efficient solutions which can help you have the greener home you’ve always wanted. We are proudly accredited by the Better Business Bureau and have been certified since 2002. We are rated A+ with the BBB, as well. Reach out to us via phone or by filling out our contact form here. Our number is (630) 219-1860. If you have a home in Highland Park, Evanston, or Park Ridge, we look forward to hearing from you.
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